Monday, December 3, 2012

Wyeth Turns Four!

My dear little Wyeth

Today you turn 4. At 10:53 pm, you will officially be four years old. You are my little one. Momma’s boy for sure. And I can’t seem to grasp where the time goes. In my mind, even when I hold you now, I can see the infant that they placed on my chest. You were and still are a beautiful child. And you make me so proud.

This year has been a busy year for you. You mastered how to ride your bike with training wheels. You enrolled in and love gymnastics class and of course, you went to school for the first time. You are enjoying being with your friends and adore your teacher. You are learning how to share in class and how to let someone else ‘lead’ the game. And you continue to be stubborn about issues related to the potty. You aren’t exactly ‘coachable’ right now. You still have your stubborn side- the passionate side. That we (mostly) love. For instance, you refuse to pee in the toilet during morning preschool. Not because you don’t know how. But because, well, you can control that part of your life and assert your control. But we’ve got your back on that stuff- in time, in time. You are also one of the most empathetic kids I’ve ever met. You are always the first to sound the alarm when someone else is in physical pain. And the first to rush over to check on them. You also are emotionally sensitive. You shy away from ‘scary’ things on tv and get visibly upset when someone on TV is in trouble or hurt. It isn’t uncommon for you to run out of the room while watching Martha Speaks or another PBS special. We love that you are sensitive this way. We love watching you care for us and your friends. You are especially talented with little kids and babies.
You also continue to love trains, trucks, your cars and Webbie. You will listen to stories but not really seek them out. If someone puts a story in your hand, you will read it. But otherwise? Huh. On the other hand, you create your own stories constantly. Your stories are amazing! There is action, adventure and many many details.
And let’s carve some space out to talk about poop, shall we? One day perhaps you will tell me what the obsession is with poop, pee and snot. Those words are the trifecta of 3-4 year old talking points!

And my goodness, child, you have an ear for music! Seren started taking piano lessons in October and has enjoyed them. But several times in the last few weeks, we have heard your plucking out ‘Mary Had A Little Lamb’ and more recently, “Good King Wenceslas”- all from ear! We are so proud and now trying to frantically figure out how to get you into piano lessons. We predict lots of music in the years to come!

Oh my sweet boy. Thank you for the joy you have brought to us in your short 4 years. We love you and cheer on your accomplishments. Thank you for so many smiles! Please don’t grow too fast- we love your innocence.




Beth said...

Happy happy birthday Wy Guy! Hope I get to see you sometime in your 5th year of life!

Beautiful letter, Megan. For a beautiful son!

Jessica Phillips-Silver said...

Go Wyeth, on that piano!