Wyeth continues to have funny things to say about his Kindergarten year. Every night he and his sister talk NON STOP about their days. I love it! I know these days won't last forever and one day I'll get the dreaded response of "fine" to my inquires about their days. They are a riot. He tells me who is a good listener. Who is not a good listener. Who went up to 'Blue' on their behavior chart and who had to go down to 'orange' or worse, 'red'! There is just so much to tell us- mostly about the playground and who he played with. He said that someone asked him to play Ninjas. But he didn't know how to play that. The other child suggested Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Wyeth didn't know how to play that either. So "we just decided to run around". He has little quips which just break me up. Mostly because of how he says them.
"I think Joe Prose is cute."
"Mom! The teacher was trying to spell Joe's name and got it all mixed up! She said there an 's'. There isn't an 's' in Joe! Then she said it ended with an 'h'! What!?" I explained that she was probably spelling "Joseph". :)
He also is quite the rule enforcer. This won't serve him well in months and years to come. But he continues to find injustice and declare it as such. "They were being rude!" "He wasn't being fair!" Etc. etc. He also noted, "Someone said that they could see my underwear. I just said to them that was inappropriate!"
He is practicing learning to tie his shoes daily. He got the trick of it learning the new way. The teacher must really be pushing this skill because even when he isn't wearing tie shoes, he practices.
Meanwhile Seren adores her teacher. So do I. I mean, she just LOVES this teacher. The teacher is a total goof- and we fit in so well. We are really really lucky to get her as a teacher! Seren seems to be thriving.
This week was Spirit Week at school. Monday was PJ day. Tuesday was silly hair day. Wednesday was farm day. Thursday was favorite sports team day and Friday was 'Blue and Gold Day'. (School colors).
They had a great time with all of the days but really really liked crazy hair day!
not a very happy farmer. :)
It is also freezing here. Well, not too cold. But today was the first day I had to use the ice scraper on my car to get the frost off!
Good thing we tried out the fireplace last weekend! Our first fire! LOVELY!