Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve!

We are raising a happy elf! Seren couldn't have embraced Christmas more this year! We aren't sure what she is so excited about. It isn't the presents- she doesn't really "get" that. But man, is she excited! She has loved doing the advent calendar- although Sam and I are always two days behind. And this morning we made Christmas cookies while she wore a Christmas dress. Flour was all over the place. Awesome!

She also sings herself to sleep each night to "Jingle Bells". We took her to see a children's show called "Rudolf and Frosty"- her first "show." She sat awestruck as the children performed off key renditions of holiday classics. Sam and I were in physical pain but just to have the experience of being in a dark theater, all dressed up? Classic. We have heard about the "show" ever since. So while we didn't do ALL that Mommy wanted to do (hard with a 3 week old), we have done enough. We have gone to church, we have read stories, we have made cookies. We have spent time as a family.
I love being a mom! Life is grand!

As a result of all of our holiday activities, she is really in the spirit! We are too! I couldn't be more happy this morning as my healthy baby sleeps in my arms, my daughter sings with expectation of the holiday and my husband and I plan for the "big day". Seren keeps saying, "I excited!"
We are blessed by family, friends and good health. Thank you for being part of our family's blessings!

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

11 days into Wyeth's life

Seren has quite a few things to say about life with Wyeth and Mommy. I'll let her speak to the experience before I start my sleep deprived babble.

On Breast Feeding:

"Mom! He is eating your boobs! Why does he always eat your boobs?"

On Sanitary Napkins:

"Those are your special diapers?"

On Mom's Body two days post partum:

"Who is your tummy now, Mom?"

We have had a busy, fun, full 11 days. I can't believe we are coming up on two weeks. What is about these little souls? One day you are blogging that you need a pogo stick to induce birth and honestly convince yourself the baby will never arrive and the next thing you know, you are madly in love with a little wonder and you can't really remember life prior to his being born?

My emotions have been all over the place! Between not getting enough sleep, it being Christmas and my hormones all whacked out, I have been a sniffy mess. I have hesitated to write anything- my mind is too scattered.

But I love him. That much I know. Not that I didn't love and adore Seren but with NICU visits, feeding issues and other preemie issues (a brain scan at 7 days old!), the anxiety far outweighed the joy. With Wyeth, I have felt nothing but joy. I may still be running on adrenaline but he just brings me tremendous JOY. I had no idea my heart could be this full; my life this rich. We'll have our long nights and with Sister Seren generally being well...cute but two, I am not in the best mood at all times. But man, I couldn't ask for more.

My family feels very complete now. My family of FOUR. And I'm tapping into my inner mother- that special soft place inside of me that feels like this was one of my main purposes in life. I feel very blessed.

Here are some pictures from his first week. We have already purchased a tree, decorated a tree, had a mini celebration at home with my brother, enjoyed church, and been to the pediatricians' twice. I even took both kids (that still sounds AWESOME) to the pet store in the rain. How amazing is that?

Just about 40 minutes after giving birth:

My coach extraordinaire: we were both exhausted after a physically demanding birth.

I'm having a complete blast with my new family. Can't wait to try to capture our early adventures.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Welcome Wyeth

Wyeth Alexander was born on December 3rd, 2008. Just two days before his due date. He is amazingly beautiful and perfect in every way. We are completely over joyed; we feel incredibly blessed by this new little soul.

I have so much to say about the delivery (quick and intense), my wonderful coach Sam, Seren's adjustment, and Wyeth's current disposition (calm, alert, content, peaceful). I hope I can retain all of my thoughts and feelings; time is already slipping away. For now, I'll present two pics and his stats.

8 lbs, 3 oz.
21 inches long
Boy, all boy.
Born vaginally and naturally- exactly what I prayed for

God has blessed us richly; we can't stop smiling.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Does anyone have a pogo stick?

If so, can I borrow it?

I'm ready for this child to freaking arrive already! I'm not even overdue yet and I'm already a complete anxious/excited wreck! I'm due on Friday and I'm worried that I'll be OVERDUE after all of this drama.

I've been pregnant a full month longer this time then I was with Seren. Seren was 5lbs, 8 oz. I can only imagine how big this dude will be.

And to top off my own frustration and anxiety, I have hit a new milestone. Ready for this? Really ready?

I weigh as much as Sam. I kid you not. I have gained about 40 lbs. 4-0.

Now granted Sam is as skinny as a rail. But I'm so bloated, swollen and well FAT, that I weigh as much as my husband?! What did I do wrong? Will I ever go back to being me again? I'm just so...beside myself about it all. Laying in bed for 8 weeks did a number on me physically. I'll have to post a picture.

The good news is that I won't have a preemie, I won't have to learn how to feed a preemie, and I'll most likely, be able to bring him home. But man, the experience of this past month has taught me a lot about what women go through!

Please send encouraging thoughts/prayers my way today...looks like this kiddo WILL be a December baby after all! And in the end, when I see his face, this will be worth it. But I am not such a happy camper today nor have I been a ray of sunshine this past weekend. Nope. No sunshine here. Just a swollen, cranky woman who feels that the time has come to get this kiddo out.
Besides a pogo stick, got any ideas?