My uncle Ken and his wife, Elena live in a suburb of Baltimore. We love visiting them and last weekend was a huge hit! We had a total blast! I took off part of Friday and we scooted down there and arrived by 4! Score! Elena made an amazing meal and we just relaxed with them. The kids were so happy to be on a trip!
Saturday we got up bright and early (Wyeth woke up frightened out of his mind at 5 am!) and headed to the Inner Harbor in Maryland. They took us on a fun water taxi! Wow! A boat! It was a glorious day! And we were SO happy!

They even got stamps on thier hands!

We took the boat to Fort McHenry and we poked around there. In and out of 'tunnels' around the fort.

We then took the boat back. At this point, Wyeth had been up for about 7 hours and was fighting sleep. He was sitting up and his eyes kept closing. We knew that if we let him sleep, he wouldn't nap and we'd be screwed for the rest of the day! So we kept poking up! Horrible! Seren, meanwhile, decided she had enough of being polite and turned into a pill. She insisted on laying on this center consel of the boat. People were resting thier feet on it and she kept rolling around and invading other people's space! So rude! We were getting fed up with this whole thing! And it was one of those moments where you'd like to just yell at her but you don't because you are in public. But then you feel bad that you are in public and your daughter isn't being so polite! OY!

The boat stopped at another stop and Elena and I ran off the boat to grab sugar and carbs. That helped! And our kids were ok to make it back for lunch and nap. Nothing like a snowcone and a pretzel to get you moving!
The afternoon was lovely. Everyone rested!
And that afternoon a miracle happened! Seren played with a dog! A dog! A big dog! Seren has been TERRIFIED of all things doglike. Big dogs. Small dogs. It is a huge issue for us. She SCREAMS and scampers up us! On Easter morning, we went for a walk and there was a dog in a TUTU and THAT scared her. We have 'issues'.
But not with Eubie. Ken and Elena are huge animal fans and are so good with kids and animals. Elena showed Seren how to play with thier dog Eubie. And she did! I just stood there in amazement. Before too long she was throwing the ball to him. Back and forth. With confidence! And then she just played with the dog all on her own in the backyard. Are you kidding me!? She laid on the dog. Pet the dog. Learned how to scratch him behind the ears. It was amazing. Purely amazing.

Wyeth got up from his nap and we headed out to dinner! What a treat! Pasta! Fries! For Wyeth, restaurant=fries. So he was happy! And the kids were really, really well behaved. Which was awesome! Naps help.

We finished up our awesome day by getting ice cream! This was Wyeth's first ice cream. It was actually yogurt- but whatever. He thought it was the best!! Check out how he insisted on eating it!

Sunday morning brought time with our friends, Amy, Jeremy and thier new baby Benjamin! What a riot! They were uber awesome first time parents and let my kids hold the baby. This was a first and a highlight for Seren. (I actually held the baby but Seren 'helped'). She loved it! And Wyeth was just captivated. "Why he touch my nose? Why he squeeze my face!? Oh no, he hold on my shirt!"
At one point, I had all three of them on my side of the table. I couldn't tell whose hands and feet were on me but there were a lot of them. It was a blast!

We went back and joined Ken and Elena at thier pool for swimming! Perfect!
This too was good! Wyeth has been resisting water this year. We couldn't figure out why Sesame hasn't been a big hit. But time at the little baby pool splashing around has cured him as well!
So, first time on a water taxi, first ice cream cone, being comfortable in water, first time holding a baby (other than Wyeth) and learning to play with dogs= miracles in Maryland. Thanks so much Ken and Elena! Thanks too to Amy, Jeremy and Benjamin!
What a blast!
1 comment:
The pic of Megan+Wy in the restaurant is gorgeous.
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