Yesterday was National Take Your Child to Work day. We had a total and utter blast at the office! Both Seren and I had looked forward to this day for a long time. Her school had me sign a permission slip to excuse her and gave her a special homework assignment.
I work as a Research Analyst at a social policy firm. Seren has been to my office before but it had been a long time. She was so excited to drink hot chocolate and 'commute' with me. We arrived later than usual, at 9 AM and met some of my friends. She got her hot chocolate and said 'WOW' when it quickly brewed in front of her face. She said, "Do you sit here and drink hot chocolate all day?"
We hung arond the office and started to review her homework sheet. The sheet asked her to describe the best parts of her mom's job, the least exciting parts, etc. The last question said, "Is this something you can consider doing in the future?" She was previewing the sheet in anticipation of what she'd need to fill in. She said, "Well, I haven't had the day yet but considering I already do research all of the time anyway, I'm going to go with 'YES' for that question."
What a love.
So at 10, we had registration. It was a top notch job. The kids came in in dresses, shirts with collars, etc. Everyone was so excited! We had about 50 kids at our office- ages 5-13. And on my gosh, were they excited and pumped!
The organizers created a whole host of activities which kept the kids busy from 10 until 12. Then we had lunch with our children and then once again, they were in activities until 2:30. They took a tour of the facilities which included our gym, our kitchen, riding up and down in the service elevator, checking out our server room, and looking at the library. It was LOUD but it was fun.
They also had the kids conduct a phone survey. (We do a lot of that here). So all day, the parents were 'surveyed' by very well trained folk! It was awesome to hear a little voice on the other end of the line asking us questions about our food habits and our children's food habits. It was a thrill!
Lunch was a riot- we had a picnic and spent some time running around outside. The sun was shining and it really was a wonderful day!
At 2:30, I had to bring her back to a 2 hour meeting! UGH! But she was amazing! I was so proud of her. She read, made paper dolls, colored and did stuff on the wipe board. Truly, amazing. I called it a day at 4 pm and we ran to the ice cream truck. We also got her face painted in a beautiful butterfly!
And she made a 'friend' with one of my work friends. Kids are amazing that way!
Here are some pics from the day. It was so awesome! And my office feels VERY quiet today.
Starting the day with hot coco!
In our long meeting...making paper dolls.
With her new buddy by our company's sign!
Learning the ropes on telephone survey techniques!
Face paint complete! Sitting at mom's desk!
Love you kiddo!