Saturday, June 8, 2013

Wyeth's First Field Trip

May was a busy month!

I was able to join Wyeth and his entire class on a trip to the Garden State Discovery Museum in NJ. This is the same trip that the preschool class typically takes. It is super fun for the kids but the highlight by FAR is the bus! They got to be BIG kids and take the bus to the museum! It is quite the schlep.

Wyeth looked super small on the big school bus.

He enjoyed playing with the science stuff and being with his friends. It was a total trip and I was exhausted by the end of the day. I was so glad that I could do this with him, though and really enjoy our time as preschool class together.

Big stuff little man!

1 comment:

Beth H said...

I just caught up on all of your spring entries. The kids and their activities and life experiences have made for a full spring. Love the photos. The discovery museum looks awesome.