We came home and packed up the kids to head to Brooklyn, NY to spend some time with Sam's good friend Mitch and his partner Kenton. They are just amazing! Mitch is a super chef! And Kenton couldn't be much sweeter if he tried.
When we usually visit, we make it a day trip. Brooklyn is about 90 minutes away so it isn't so bad. But this time thier friends had a free apartment available. They were trying to sell it but it hadn't sold it so they allowed us to 'camp' in thier empty apartment. Score!
We had grand plans for our weekend. We'd take them to Times Square! Ride the subway! Etc, etc. In the end, it POURED RAIN all of Sunday and by the time we got there on Saturday, we had to deal with tired kids. So we didn't do any of that! But we spent time with good friends and visited thier garden plot.
I'm always amazed how children enjoy simple pleasures. Sam and I are trying to raise kids to truly find mystery and wonder in all of things around them. I am most proud when they get a big 'kick' out of simple things. From thier perspective, Brooklyn delivered on amazing treats. First of all, the concept of an apartment blew Seren's mind.
"Wait! There are families behind every single one of these doors? Are there animals in there too? Like cats? Do people in apartments have cats!"
And then there was the old fashion elevator inside the building.
"Wow! They have thier own elevator! We get to ride it? They ride it every day!??"
They also loved that we stayed in our own apartment. It was one of the worst nights we have had a long time. "The city that never sleeps" was certainly true for us! My god! The noise of the road was loud. And then add in a huge thunder storm and lightening. Wyeth was up for over 2 hours. We were wondering at 2 am if we should just pack up and head home! But we all went back to sleep and the night was salvaged.
Did I mention it poured?

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