On Sunday, Seren's actual birthday, we threw Seren a birthday party in honor of her second year of life! It was a ton of fun. All week we prepared. We cooked. We cleaned. We painted the hallway. We painted the steps. We gardened. It was amazing what we got done!
Sunday, at 11:30, the party started! Grammy and Poppy came with a huge, pink, pig balloon. Seren LOVED it. It help set the tone for our farm party!
I got her dressed in her party dress and party shoes. My parents arrived, for the second day in a row, to help us set up. Seren continued to sing "happy birthday dear Senen" all week so this was VERY exciting. She totally "got" that it was her big day.
Our friends started to arrive. Within seconds, we had a busy household of kids- ranging from 19 months to 5 years old. Lunch was demanded by nearly everyone of them. Sam had done an amazing job of cooking- a lot of food was devoured very quickly.
We decided to do the cake right after lunch while all of the kids were all strapped into thier booster seats/high chairs. We made two cakes. One was a "normal" cake with a candle on it. Seren loved trying to blow it out. We had to help and she cheered when it went out. Then we brought out her sheep cake. (Seren LOVES sheep and sleeps with a stuffed sheep named "Baa-baa".) When she saw the sheep she quietly said, "Baa-baa!".

Compared to last year when she burst into tears at the start of the singing which only intensified as I then had to put my finger down her throat to retrieve some cork she was eating, the cake "moment" was 100% success! It was well worth the effort it took to make the dang thing. (All made, by Sam)
After cake, which Seren choose NOT to eat- afterall, it was a sheep, it was time to play!
In the week leading up to the party, I had envisioned offering the kids an obstacle course. I had big plans. Then it kept saying it was going to rain, rain, rain. But it didn't. In the end, kids are happy doing what kids do best: playing. There was no need for structure. The kids (there were only 4) were nuts just running around the yard. Seren had a BLAST at her party. A complete blast.
Here are some pics of her hoola hooping.

I always thought I wouldn't go the "girly route" if I had a girl. Nope. I found myself searching all over the house for a ribbon to put in her gorgeous curls the morning of the party. I couldn't help myself.

Happy, happy 2nd birthday to our Seren. You are loved much more than you'll ever know. We are so proud of the independent, caring, funny, energetic, singing little girl you are. We have loved to watch you grow. This time last year, you were taking tentative first steps and weren't saying much at all. This year you are running around the house, offering commentary on everything! We can only imagine what next year brings! Continue to be 100% yourself. We love you just the way you are.
1 comment:
Happy birthday Seren! Love the pic on the sidewalk, she is so GROWN UP!!!
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