Monday, May 19, 2008

Updates from

When I became pregnant with Seren, I joined They send you weekly updates on the growth and progress of your unborn baby. It is fun to read about the health of the baby, what is growing when, etc. "Your baby is now the size of a garbanzo bean!"

This has continued since her birth. "Your child is now 1 month old!" "Your child is now 22 months old." etc.

Now I get updates that begin, "Your preschooler this week."


This makes me cringe and freak out on many levels. The first and foremost is, "how is my little girl ready for preschool?" The second response is one that speaks to my planning (control) tendencies (or lack thereof in this case): Where do we send her to preschool? And when?

I talk to some of my friends at work about these worries. I always start the conversation with, "Oh my gosh, have you thought about preschool for little X yet?" They calmly say, "Oh not much. No. Don't worry."

I feel better.

Then they launch into a 15 minute monologue about waiting lists, deposits, child visits, etc.
We don't live in NYC so we don't have to deal with THAT craziness but it still can be a competitive process- one I have NO interest in jumping into. However, I know if I procrastinate too long, I'll regret it.

Good thing I can rely on babycenter to give me both updates on my child and what I'm supposed to be panicking about next. Good thing babycenter's got my back.

1 comment:

Laura S said...

YIKES! I am so not ready for a preschooler! How fast they grow!