Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Red Letter Day!!

Holy cow did we have a "big" day in the life of the Angus family yesterday!

First of all after spending an entire month with Wyeth having a cold, coughing and being awake every two hours, I had had enough. I googled. I vented. I cursed. What was I doing wrong? Was he ok? Will he ever sleep? And then, armed with encouragement and googled information, I put Wyeth to bed EARLY. And focused purely on reading his signs of fatigue. And ya know what? It worked! Wyeth went down at 7:40 and stayed asleep until 12:30. Then woke for the day at 5:30. AWESOME! This is a HUGE difference. (I am not naive to think that this will stay

So *I* woke up happy.

Then as soon as we gathered downstairs for breakfast, he decides that today would be a good day to roll over. And just like that, after about a week of trying, my Wy guy, at 4 months, flips from laying on his back to laying on his tummy. Yahoo!

But then it gets better! Seren saw our little friend Grace pee on the potty Friday night. It must have stuck in her head because on Saturday she wanted to wear underwear and do it too. After two failed attempts which included holding her pee for 21 hours, (21 hours!!!), and screaming, I was skeptical. She peed once on Saturday. And twice on Monday at the child care providers' home. And yesterday she was on a roll! Four times in the potty on Tuesday!

Her face was SO happy. She was SOO proud. It can take a long time for it to happen so patience is KEY. But man, her little face when it actually happens? Priceless! And thank God for in-network calling because then she needs to call everyone. Calls Daddy. Calls Grammy. Calls Poppy. Calls Me (if I'm at work). Awesome.

I finally get why parents get so INTO this thing. It takes forever and is one of the last "baby" milestones. I peeked in at her last night as she slept in her big girl bed. My three year old to be.



LauraC said...

This is HUGE news! Sleeping so much AND potty training!

I also didn't understand why everyone was so crazy about potty training until Nate started training! Now I totally get it!

Beth said...

GET OUT!!!! That is awesome, although I must say I'm feeling very left out of this whole PTing thing that's going on right now. LOL! I want to scream, "Me next! Me next!" I hope that Seren stays on this path, and I really really hope that Wyeth does, too. And yay for rolling over! So much excitement at once--how can you stand it? :-)