Christmas eve was a good one. Seren knew that Christmas was the next day and was excited but not over the top excited. We went to a church service which was challenging with two swirmy kids. And then went to our neighbor's home for some fun. We left the party early and headed home for the last sleep before Santa!
Our community drives a firetruck around with Santa on top for hours on Christmas eve. He goes up and down each street. It takes forever! And the first year, we thought there was a HUGE fire because the sirens just kept going and going and going. At 8:30 everyone was in thier pjs and all comfy and cozy. We were reading 'Twas the Night Before Christmas' and Sam and I kept looking at each other asking each other with our eyes, "Is that it? Is that Santa?" Because if you miss him on the street, that's it. You miss him!
Finally, we heard a neighbor yell out, "It's him!" We both picked up the kids, and ran down the stairs as fast as we could. And there, on top of a huge firetruck was Santa! Seren was SHAKING she was so excited! We all ran outside and cheered and yelled as Santa rode by! I was almost crying because *I* was so excited! We hooped and hollered and waved at Santa and at our neighbors who LOVED seeing our kids in thier little pjs.
Man, it was awesome. We left the reindeer food (preschool sent us home with 'food' which was oatmeal and sugar) and we provided carrots and apples. And we left cookies for Santa. We were ready! Seren said to Sam that she was exited.

Right at 6am, like usual, she was up. Wyeth followed behind. And we had an amazing time! She went into the room and just gazed around at the presents. She got into it more this year! She really liked opening them! But she didn't tear into them. (yet). I think that will be next year.
Opening Stockings

Our 'big gift' this year was a new bike for her. Santa left it right under her stocking. She said, "He even left a BIKE?!" And then said, "Can we email him to tell him thank you!?" (Which pretty much melted my heart right then and there).
She couldn't believe he had left the bike. "And it has streamers!" (The story of how we aquired the bike- basically bartering with Toys R Us- is fodder for another post).
Wyeth? He was excited but not really. He just toddled around. Touching the ornaments. Not opening his presents (there are still two for him) and being excited to walk and wander. He had a blast just being his little self.
We had a nice pace. We woke up and opened our stockings and then had breakfast. We finished opening presents and then packed up for two nights at my parents' home. It was a little hard to leave the fun things behind. We arrived there to discover that Santa had come to thier home too! (Seren informed me that Santa knew that she and Wyeth were Grammy and Poppy's grandkids). We didn't really open presents but Seren was excited to tell them all that had happened. "He even ate the cookies! But the reindeer only ate the carrots- they were way too full for the apple!" Finally, they napped and Sam and I just sat down.

I continue to feel a mix of relief that the holidays are over (although I'm still getting cards out) and sadness. I so enjoyed this Christmas! The decorations! The countdown! The excitement. Seren was a true believer and it was just magical!
The rest of our Christmas was great. We had a lovely dinner with my folks and some close family friends. The next day we went to see a lightshow at Macy's in Philadelphia. It was the same exact lightshow that I'd seen for years when it was the John Wannamaker store in Philly. It was such an adventure for my parents and I those years ago. And the show did not disappoint. It was pouring rain when the six of us headed out but it was just as magical.

What a Christmas! The bike! The food! It was about the simple things: songs, family and lightshows. I can't wait to do it all again next year. This time last year, Wyeth was 3 weeks old. Seren wasn't potty trained and wasn't nearly as articulate. And next year, Wyeth will be freshly 2 and Seren will be 4.5. Wow. I'm holding on for the ride!

*for some reason, this didn't post on the 29th, oh well.*
1 comment:
What a great holiday! I can't wait until my little guy is that excited to see Santa (he cried this year and said "NO NO NO"). Glad you were able to enjoy it with two small fry and not be overwhelmed by all the To Do's!
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