Tuesday, January 29, 2008

You know it is bad...

When you are actually contemplating taking a day off from work to simply catch up with the boring ass "life" stuff like calling the sewer company, dealing with bills, insurance companies, etc. Since when do I have all of these adult things to do? We only have one kid and one (paid) full time job so I can't imagine families with many more kids and two working parents. Am I not a good multi-tasker? Where does all of this responsibility come from? Can I ever cross anything off my to-do list!?

It probably is made worse my Seren's illnesses. Two weekends ago, she got a cold which turned into a hacking cough. We visited the Doctor last Friday and were sent home with a nebulizer treatment for her broncolitis (sp?). We were to return Monday. After a busy and fun weekend with Ama and Pop-pop, we learn on Monday that now she has two minor ear infections.

Maybe all parents panic at illness but I really freak out when she is sick. I can't escape what I call the "preemie shadow". I read that babes born prematurely often have these breathing problems. I get so upset by the whole thing. Then, in the next paragraph, I read that MOST kids need these sort of treatments- premature or not. So, I get over myself quickly knowing that this is all normal and so many parents deal with FAR worse health problems. However, I think the guilt of having a preemie never really goes away.

We plan on laying low this weekend. No fun trips to CT, no trips to the museum and no crazy adventures with grandparents. Just us hanging out as a family. The past two weekends have been full and wonderful but there is something to be said for "chilling" during cold and flu season.

I'm off to sip some tea.


LauraC said...

I am stuck on my to-do list too right now too, if it makes you feel any better. Some of those tasks have been on there for months! And no time to take vacation... I have to save it in case the kids get sick.


Beth said...

I know the feeling, too! I'm afraid my work/professional self suffers the most, because that's when I tend to do all that "stuff." (Shhhhhh.) As for getting sick, nothing is worse than a sick kid. William is not a preemie, but is borderline asthmatic. We are well-versed with the nebulizer! For a while there, every time he caught a cold, he'd start wheezing. We thought we might have to nebulize him every day with pulmicort, but our doctor put him on Singulair and he's been nebulizer-free since! At any rate, I feel guilty about sending him to daycare and exposing him to all those germs. If he could stay home, would he have these issues? Would a nanny have been a better choice? Or one of us staying home? So I understand the guilt, too. Hope you have a nice, low-key weekend, and that Seren gets well soon!