1. When I was about 14 years old, I went to "Space Camp" in Huntsville, AL. I went because my best friend lived in Alabama (far from PA) and I wanted to share the experience with her. We spent a week sweating in AL with a whole bunch of nerdy boys. There were a total of 6 girls in the whole camp. We prepared for our "mission" all week. We then had a simulated space experience! I wasn't an astronaut during our mission, I was centered at mission control. We stayed up late until all hours making sure our team was safe as they "walked on the moon". What a trip! It was only simulation of course but I really bought into it- we all did! (I think this also ranks as one of the most nerdy things I've ever done.)
2. I have a horrible sense of direction. I can get lost just about anywhere I go. I have inherited this from my father. When we leave a store in the mall, neither of us know which way we came from before we walked into the store from the mall. I can't read a map very well. Google maps has been a life saver. I don't think Seren has inherited this. So that is good. When going to my parents home two weeks ago, Sam got off the highway at an earlier exit to run an errand and Seren started yelling from the backseat that he wasn't going to "Ammy and Pop-pop's house!".
3. I am a list maker. Anyone who knows me in real life, know I live by the list. I seriously write lists all day long. Anything that isn't on a list, just isn't in my brain. My good friend, Amanda, once asked me when we lived together in college, "Meg, do you cross- reference those!?"
4. I have been to 46 of the 51 United states. Still on my list? Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma and Alaska. I had a goal of getting to all of them by age 30. My husband and I took a long cross country trip from CA to WI and made several crazy stops just to "get another state".
5. My husband and I spent 3 weeks in 2004 in Ghana. That trip is the source of many, many funny stories. It was the most challenging, exhausting and exciting trip I've ever been on. We went completely on our own and struggled through it all. We met the most wonderful people and shared some incredible dinners and nights. And like good Western tourists, we got incredibly sick. Looking back on it, that trip was really a milestone in our marriage. We traveled together- it was a complete partnership as we negotiated language barriers and cultural barriers. Here is one of my favorite pictures of me in Ghana- in the village of Tafi Atome which was home to a monkey preserve. We toured the monkey village in honor of my birthday!

6. I am allergic to cats and always have been. Despite this fact, I live with two of them. Sam was a "package deal"- I got two cats with my new husband. The cats were almost a deal breaker for me. When we first started dating, he told me about his cats. My heart sunk. Yuck, this won't work. But I suppose love conquers all. 8 years later, I'm still with him and our nutty furry cats, Wally and Jordan. Well, I live with Wally, Jordan and a daily Claritin.
7. I don't "do" change very well. Maybe most people don't. But I don't embrace it at all. I don't rearrange my house or repaint walls just for "change". That whole mentality isn't part of me. I like it where it sits now, why change that? I am someone who needs closure to situations/jobs/relationships. Coming up on a last day at work? I spend hours contemplating the experience, what I learned, what I will miss. I need the "lasts". "The last time I'll make this commute. The last time I need to go to this meeting, etc" That sort of thing. This is a technique that helps me make change.
Parenting, on the other hand, is ALL about change. Day to day. Moment to moment. I remember early on desperately searching for some pattern- something I could hold on to. Does she always eat 6 oz of milk after that morning nap? How many times did she poop? Partly because she was a preemie and partly because I'm me, I wrote all of this down religiously. It is the analyst in me that would try to find patterns. If we get to parents to a new little one again, I hope I would just let go earlier in the game.
This was a fun! Hope you know a bit more about me. I tag my college friends Laura S and Amy to do the same on their blogs!
I accept your challenge and will get to this eventually (maybe on vacation??)
Who knows. Loved reading more about my wonderful friend and her quirks. Yay for nerdy space camp!
omg. OMG.
I don't know how it is possible that in perusing completely random blogs you find people that would make real-life friends.
I would have KILLED to go to Space Camp. I even watched Space Camp like a bazillion times and BEGGED my parents to let me go. It was my DREAM when I was a kid!!!
Of course eventually I went to Caltech and it was 4 years with sweating nerdy boys.
My lists are all in Excel. If I ever lost Laura.xls the Case family would be RUINED!!!!!!!!!!!!! And we kept feeding charts for the boys until they turned a year old. We even charted # of oz of formula vs # of hours of sleep. NO correlation!
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