I am too tired for a real post. But I have been meaning to record several things for myself:
**Seren decided she likes asparagus. I love how toddlers keep you guessing. One day, nothing that is green is worth touching, much less eating. The next day, she is chomping down on asparagus and asking for more!
** Seren also LOVES blueberries. When she was younger, she tried a blueberry and broke out in hives. They were off the list for a long time. Then we got them again and she goes to town eating them. When you ask her if she wants fruit, she replies "YES! BLUEBERRIES!" This is unfortunate as we don't often have blueberries. Thank goodness she isn't allergic!
** Seren gets obsessed with things out of place or things dirty. Several weeks ago, my family and my parents all went on a muddy hike. It was a first spring walk and Seren got mud on her shoes. The entire way home, all we heard from the backseat of the car was "Mud on shoes. Seren's shoes muddy! Mud on shoooooos!"
** Singing is a favorite past time. She sings all of the favorites- Itsy Bitsy, Twinkle Twinkle, Baa-Baa Black Sheep. ABCs. Our favorite is when she sings them all at the same time. And heaven forbid you try and correct her. "Mama! No sing! NO, NO! Seren sing!" Be my guest.
** She loves to bounce. Bounce and fall flat on her tush. Over and over again. While hysterically laughing.
** Giggle fits at dinner are my personal favorite. She can't say the word "grapes" but loves to try. Last week found me crying tears of laughter as she attempted to say the word again and again, laughing as she said it.
** Seren continues to use her nebulizer. On the 7th we got the diagnosis of childhood asthma. Apparently, she will likely grow out of it. As of now, she has to use a little inhaler in addition to the nebulizer :( We are to continue to treat her "until the weather turns". Until then, we'll use the nebulizer two- three times a day. This is how Seren looks wearing her little "steam clean machine". (She also will give a breathing treatment, to each of her farm animals- one by one.)

Great highlights, Megan! William's doctors call it "reactive airway disease," which is basically asthma, but instead of using Pulmicort with the nebulizer every day, he's taking Singulair. It's not effective with all kids, but it has worked wonders with him! He still gets colds, but he doesn't wheeze. And it's not a steroid, which I like. We can go off of it in May, so we'll see what happens. Anyway, it's just a chewable tablet that he takes once a day, before bed. Anyway, it looks like she does really well with the nebulizer, though. William wasn't quite so cooperative!
I am really sorry to hear about the diagnosis. Your attitude is pretty good, it's just sad to have one more thing to worry about!
Giggles are the best!!
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