Wow! We had a FULL weekend! We had my in-laws visit from Michigan for
Seren's 3rd birthday! We went to the doctor for
Seren's 3rd well visit. We had a big party. We celebrated mothers' day.
The kids got fevers and hacking coughs.
The 3 year old "well" visit turned to a sick visit.
Seren's stats are as follows: She is 38 inches tall (73%) and 32.4 lbs (66%). Tall and lean, my girl. The doctor's visit was encouraging in that
Seren seems to be doing very well developmentally. So we are blessed by that. The doctor also said that being three is much harder than two.
And I quote, "To people who say that there is such a thing as terrible twos, I just tell them that they haven't yet had a three year old. In my experience, the first month of life, the 3rd year of life and 13 years through 17 years are the hardest parenting years. 3 year
olds understand EVERYTHING. They are wonderful because they can talk and reason and chat and laugh. They love family traditions so start them if you haven't. But they also get MOUTHY. You will be surprised what comes out of
Seren's mouth in the next year."
The next 11 months rank as one of the hardest parenting years? Oh dear.
Child care called last Sunday night to say that
thier family had coughs. So we sent her last Monday. Coughs are
ok, right? Then they got fevers. So we kept Wyeth and
Seren home Wednesday and Thursday so that they could stay healthy and enjoy the birthday party.
But on Thursday afternoon,
Seren spiked a fever. Then Wyeth. We had to call all of our guests and UN-invite them to our party.
Seren's 3rd birthday was only attended by parents. No kids! I was very disappointed at first. So sad!
Seren had a blast! Pictures to follow this week. She just ATE UP the attention! My gosh- we really had a great time. The weather held- it was amazing!
I was exhausted but just seeing our little girl grow from a baby to a toddler to a full 'kid' made me so happy. She really enjoyed it all. It doesn't take much to make her happy and that makes me happy. I was very proud that she thanks everyone for the gift first and then really wants to savor the gift. A new book? Lets read it. Now. A new necklace? Lets try it on! One day soon I will forget that she currently can't say "t-h". Her "thank yous" are "
ank you!" I love the "ank yous"!
Sunday morning, the day after her party, she was in her
pjs savoring the new books, wearing her new tutu from Uncle John and wearing her fairy necklace. All at 7:15 am.
Mothers day was great too! Good food, good time with our family and extended family. A great day. More soon.