Monday, August 13, 2007

Manuel needed

When Seren turned one, the thought occured to me that I am out of reading material on babies. All of my books discussed the first year. They were a comfort to me as I read through the months. But since then, I feel like we are flying solo! And we need some help and information soon. I just have this fear that we only get to 'do' parenting once or else we will hardwire her one way and screw up! She has become her own person in so many ways. She has her own sense of humor, her own frustrations and her own language. We love playing with her but it is work too. And such responsiblity! Dinner time has become a challenge as Seren loves to see what happens when food flies. This started about 10 days ago. We have tried taking it away. we have tried explaining that we need spoons to eat (the spoon also gets thrown on the floor). But we don't know what message we are sending to her. It is just so hard sometimes- on all of us.

But Seren and I went hiking together on Sunday and we both had a blast! It was so much fun to hang out!

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