Wednesday, December 5, 2007

19 months

Seren turned 19 months yesterday! 19?! How did that happen? Doesn't that sound close to 20? Which sounds close to 24?!

When do parents stop counting months?

For the baby book, I'm going to recall a few things that Seren does/likes
* She has decided that baby cereal is out. She also seems to have "over dosed" on bannas

* She loves stuffed animals. Any kind. All get kisses. Including the ones at the stores.

* She still sleeps with baa-baa, her stuffed sheep.

* She sleeps with her paci during nap. Baa-baa has one too.

* Her general schedule is to get up at 6, sleep from 2-4 in the afternoon and go to bed at 8.

* She is getting very picky about food. Stuff still gets thrown on the floor. She eats a TON during lunch which makes her dinner a really small meal.

* Her newest obsession is to talk about her book, the Three Bears. "Bears! Bears!" I feel like I'm raising a Chicago fan. "Da Bears."

* She doesn't like diaper changes and procrastinates on getting them changed.

* Words are finally coming! We have heard "hat, head, bird, bears, hot, juice, etc." It is very fun to have someone to "chat with".

* She knows when something is out of place. I came downstairs today to find that the smoke alarm had fallen from the wall. Seren pointed to it. Pointed to the wall and got distressed. Things have a place.

* Bathtime is hit or miss. Sometimes, I can't get her out of the tub. Othertimes, I can't get her to soak at all. She particually gets scared of the sound of air escaping in her blow-up tub.

* Seren hates doctors. She had to visit sam's doctor last week and freaked out. No one was touching her but it was just too much for her.

* Strangers still cause her to be very shy. She mostly observes new adults and new children for at least 5 minutes before she is comfortable.

* Seren loves to read her books to herself and to us. (Or anyone else who wants to hear)

And since I didn't write about her 18th month birthday, which was a big milestone, I'll include a picture of the two of us for her 19th month.

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