The upcoming stress of the holidays, paying the bills last week (or the game we play once a month is "paying some of the bills"), new projects at work and a super long commute due to holiday shopping left me deeply tired. All week I knew if I could just hang on to the weekend, I'd be ok! And yet, Saturday morning was one of those ugly/overly tired mornings. Sometimes I feel like Seren in full meltdown mode. I can even see it coming! :)
But my parents arrived in the nick of time. We all had lunch together and then Seren spent the night at my parents house. They all left our house at 1 pm. And instead of sitting down and resting, I raked leaves. LOTS of wet, soggy leaves! 11 bags of leaves! 2.5 hours later, I laid down my rake. But it felt good. Felt good to move my body. Felt good to be outside.
Sam and I enjoyed a night at my company's holiday party. There is nothing like a bunch of nerds dressed up and drinking wine to make for some fun stories. We had a good time eating, drinking and dancing. But the best part of our weekend was spent on Sunday morning. We took a drive together. We did not play "Music Together", we did not talk in Elmo's voice, we did not argue about how "best" to drive, and we did not sing the "Itsy Bitsy spider".
We just sat. And drove. And laughed.
We needed this time. We needed the 24 hours of just "us" time. This morning, I feel as if I didn't see Seren as much as I usually do on the weekend. Because, well, I didn't see her for 24 hours of it. But I feel renewed as wife, mom and employee.
I needed to recharge my batteries. Thank God for grandparents!

you look smashing darling! Andy and I also left Joshua with the grandparents to attend a wedding 2 hours away. It was really nice to spend time together without him!
I think this post is a perfect example of finding balance! Good for you for finding something that makes you feel so refreshed.
I also love nerd parties. I'm very sad to have missed my company party again this year being a telecommuter. The first year I walked in to find 50 people doing the electric slide. Awesome!
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