We have one hell of a month. The blizzard last week was just surreal. Sam had planned to stay with a friend for the whole week so he could catch up and study for 12 hours a day without Thing One and Thing Two. The plan was that our sitter would care for them one day, I would take one day off, my parents would do one day and my in laws would help with the last two days of the week. Best laid plans...
Tuesday night, the night before the storm and before my in-laws flight, I knew it wasn't going to happen. No way that a flight from Michigan to Philly with predicted 18 inches of snow was going to happen. The airline cancelled and our visit with our Grandma and Grandad wasn't to be. Well, not last weekend. They are coming in March.
Operation Plan B.
My parents arrived Tuesday afternoon with overnight bags to help out. And my god! The snow! It started and I was giddy with the idea of snow, lots of snow! I awoke on Wednesday expecting to see a blizzard. And it was just a few inches! Really? That was nothing I thought! But THEN. But THEN it snowed!!
We had a Valentine's party instead! We decorated the dinning room with red and white streamers, pulled out the valentines' napkins, made more pink, red and purple cards and my Mom had already made a huge heart cake for dessert. Party on! And party we did.
We went out in the blizzard to build snowmen, etc. My dad did the most of the shoveling. And work was cancelled. It was busy but fun.
Then Wednesday night, the electricity went out. (Seren pronounces this elightricity). And it didn't come back on until Thursday at 6. It was a long, cold day that ended up with driving South 45 minutes to escape to my parents' warm house. We gave up when it got to be 57 degrees inside our home.
Anyway, this is all to say that we had a long, ODD week last week and are holding our breaths that the exam can come and go next week in a smooth fashion. Sam has worked very hard and is well prepared. He will rock this thing! And in just a few days, this will be BEHIND all of us!
Then we'll focus on house repairs, SPRING, and a new job for Sam. But I'm ahead of myself. One more week, one more week.
The break between the early snow and the major snow:

Valentines Day fun!

Walking around our hood because we were too cold INSIDE:

The support team:


I was just thinking last night I was going to email you to say ONE MORE WEEK! Life is going to feel so easy after the bar is done! That is an insane amount of snow. Our little snowman looked so pathetic compared to those huge ones.
A HUGE good luck to Sam! Although he's been doing the studying, you've certainly been doing your share to make it all possible. And what an awesome Valentine's party! I don't think we even mentioned Valentine's Day to the boys. Maybe next year. Glad you guys enjoyed the snow and had a place to escape to when your power went out. We were very lucky not to have lost power. But now we're dealing with the ceiling leak from frozen gutters. Ugh--but at least it's not our house! Hang in there (lame advice, I know, but the end is soooo close!). And this time next week, you and Sam will be taking pride in something you guys accomplished TOGETHER!!!!
Great pics! Here's to staying healthy, I know how important that can be during big moments in life. Good luck to Sam--he will be awesome and then you can all have your life back--woo-hoo!!
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