We had a good time visiting family and friends in Flint, MI. The three of us traveled out on Thanksgiving day.
Seren did well on the flights! Even though we didn't buy her a
separate seat, we lucked out on three of the four flights- we were able to snag an extra seat. She LOVED wearing her big girl
seatbelt. The fourth flight was a bit of a challenge. I sat with
Seren, in the middle seat for two hours. But the man next to me, while easily 300 pounds, was a dad to a 2 year old and knew ALL of the songs and characters in
Seren's Thomas book so he was a big help! He even had suggestions for "good"
sippy cups. What a blessing to have very understanding folks next to us on the plane!
Our time with Sam's parents and sister was really nice. We relaxed and enjoyed eating together. Unfortunately,
Seren got up every morning between 5:00 and 5:45am. She is still cutting those teeth and developed a head cold. (She shared this with me on the plane yesterday). So she had a bit of a rough time but it was so good to see her with her grandparents! She really enjoyed sitting with them and reading to them.
Seren is a very LOUD reader. She turns the page, and babbles to us, loudly. It is very sweet. She also is very clingy these days during her teething/cold. She will be playing along and then jump into our arms for a strong hug. She knows how to melt our hearts.
That being said, she is also getting very strong willed. Suddenly, as if over night, it seems as if many things are a struggle. Putting on shoes? The experience, if you ask
Seren, can be likened to being forced into a tank full of sharks. Putting on a heavy winter coat? Being in a pit of snakes. And god forbid, you ask her to eat a green pea. Everything takes a LONG time and much negotiation. And creativity is a must! Which is why I found myself much of last week "feeding" stuffed animals before feeding
Seren. It is very challenging. During one of these moments over our holiday break, I thought to myself, "One child is enough." I keep mentioning to other parents, with hope in my voice,"Well, this is a phase. It is a good thing- she is asserting herself. It will be better when she can communicate better." The more experienced parents simply just laugh. "You can tell yourself that."
But we had a blast being together for an extended period! I took two days off of work and just enjoyed PLAYING. We also had a photo shoot that Sam's dad put together. He has a love of photography and really did a nice job. We think we got a Christmas card picture out of the experience!
We have so much to be thankful for: our health, each other, our friends, our dear family, a home, and a daughter who has brought us so much joy. And so we enter the season of celebration and giving. I hope that we can continue to focus on the messages behind the season and not get too caught up in the insanity and consumerism. Wish us luck!